CACFP Participant Information
The Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) is a federal program that provides reimbursement for nutritious meals and snacks served to children in child care centers,
family child care homes, before/after school programs, and emergency/homeless shelters and to eligible adults in adult care centers.
To participate in the CACFP, an institution must complete a CACFP application and undergo a successful pre-operational visit. CACFP participants must comply
with federal and state regulations/guidance and maintain adequate records to support monthly claims for meal reimbursement and other costs charged to the program.
Specifically, participating institutions must serve meals and snacks that meet the CACFP meal pattern and maintain daily records including, but not limited to,
menus, number of participants in attendance, and number of meals served at each point of service. Institutions must also manage a fiscally sound and accountable
program in which only reasonable and allowable costs are charged to the CACFP, and CACFP related invoices and receipts must be maintained. Moreover, institutions
must distribute, collect, and/or complete forms/notices including, but not limited to, income eligibility statements, household letters, and
information as required by the CACFP.