Provider Resources
This section contains useful information about child care facility operations, including forms and links to child care resources. Also included are resources offering information about quality and best practices, as well as inclusion in a child care setting.
Bright from the Start administers competitive grants to support a variety of programs and initiatives when funds permit. For more information go to:
Funding Opportunities
Child care programs seeking professional development training, technical assistance to improve quality, and services to include children with special needs in the child care program may receive services from local Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies. These services are funded by Bright from the Start. For the agency that serves your area go to:
Child Care Resource & Referral System
The Nutrition Program administers the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) and the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP). CACFP is a federally funded program that reimburses providers for serving nutritious meals to children or adults in a day care environment. Providers include child care learning centers, adult care centers, emergency shelters, family child care homes, and after-school programs.
To locate CACFP Providers on the Nutrition Food Program, please go to
Nutrition Provider Search
web page.