Welcome School-agers, Families, and Program Providers!
School-age children need a balance of cognitive learning time, social time, physical development time, creative playtime,
and reading or literacy time throughout the day. To help providers, caregivers, and the children, DECAL has compiled the
following resources. These resources can be used as part of a daily schedule or used to help enhance a child’s daily
schedule with creativity and fun learning. Anyone can access the resources thus allowing children the opportunity to
independently access the links and make their own choices on their activities for themselves. The resources were chosen
to help minimize screen time, but some online access will be required for certain resources, either to use the resource
(Virtual Field Trips) or to download the directions or activity. A sample Lesson Plan with 5 learning blocks that cover
the balanced needs of a school-age child is included to help program providers and caregivers develop a daily or weekly
schedule. Many of the resources provided may be used in more than one learning block. School-age children are resourceful
and may find numerous learning activities in many of the resources to allow them an opportunity to explore and develop their
own balance. Just click a box and you will be taken to an assortment of resources on that topic.
View Resources as a PDF
Click on the titles below to reveal school-age resources.