Enforcement Actions
DECAL staff use a variety of enforcement actions to encourage and support compliance with the Bright from the Start Rules for Child Care Learning Centers and Family Child Care Learning Homes. These enforcement actions include citations at regulatory visits, developing plans of improvement, providing technical assistance and training, and holding office conferences. If it is determined that serious or continued noncompliance exists or a provider does not comply with a specific rule or law, such as the requirement to pay an annual license fee, another type of enforcement action may be taken. These enforcement actions are penalties that are allowed or directed by rules and/or laws that are issued to a provider.
Click here for descriptions of enforcement actions
Generally, enforcement actions, other than revocations, will remain on the website for five years after the mailing date as long as the facility remains open. Revocations remain permanently available for public viewing. Any action that is rescinded or reversed, including a revocation, will be removed from the website.
In accordance with O.C.G.A. Section 20-1A-12(i), the Department shall be immune from liability and suit for any errors or omissions except for gross negligence or willful and wanton misconduct. Any errors or omissions are inadvertent and immediate action will be taken to resolve them once they are identified.
Click on one of the links below to view a list of enforcement actions by type or
click here to search for enforcement actions.
Records held by DECAL may be requested by filing an Open Records Request. Click
for more information about the Open Records process.