Supporting Georgia's Comprehensive Review of Quality Rated
In 2023 DECAL conducted a comprehensive review of Quality Rated (QR) and contracted with the Urban Institute to design a research study, collect and analyze data, make recommendations for the future, and share its findings. Through focus groups, surveys and data walks, the Urban Institute gathered input from 100 Georgia families, 900 Child Care Learning Center (CCLC) leaders, 300 Family Child Care Learning Home (FCCLH) operators, 50 technical assistance and QR staff, other stakeholders, and a panel of national QRIS experts. This is the final, complete report on the comprehensive review, and it includes written descriptions of the Urban Institute’s findings, recommendations, and data analyses.
Full Report
Supporting Child Well-Being in Georgia's Quality Rated System
This brief is part of a series of reports related to the 2023 comprehensive review of Quality Rated (QR) conducted for DECAL by the Urban Institute and other research partners. It summarizes the perspectives of Quality Rated child care providers who responded to a survey asking about the ways they support child health and well-being that are not currently recognized by the QR system.
Parent Perspectives on Quality in Child Care and Early Education in Georgia
This brief is part of a series of reports related to the 2023 comprehensive review of Quality Rated (QR) conducted for DECAL by the Urban Institute and other research partners. It summarizes the perspectives of parents who participated in focus groups about the most important features of quality in early care and education (ECE), experiences with the QR system, and their thoughts on how a future QR system could be improved.
Much-Needed Changes in Child Care Quality Rating and Improvement Systems Should Promote Equity
As part of the comprehensive review of Quality Rated in 2023, DECAL asked the Urban Institute to gather input from QRIS experts around the country about how to make the system more equitable, strengthen the focus on improvement, and provide better support for parents. The Urban Institute interviewed more than a dozen experts with a variety of backgrounds and domains of expertise. This report synthesizes the findings from interviews.