Basic Materials List
This basic materials list is designed to assist newly funded classes with initial classroom set-up. In most cases, it will not be possible to order all of
the items included on this list the first year the class is in operation. Continuation classes can use this list as a guide/inventory for ordering, replacing,
and replenishing classroom materials.
Equipment, materials, and supplies for each Georgia’s Pre-K class must be appropriate and facilitate a strong educational program. All items must be of quality
materials and workmanship and meet the needs of the Pre-K children. Items purchased with Pre-K funds and the items included on this inventory must be available
to children and teachers in the Pre-K program throughout the year.
Teachers should not have to use personal funds to purchase equipment, materials, or supplies. Once the recommended level of equipment has been reached in all
sections then programs can request to use funds to purchase technology related equipment, software, and/or playground equipment. All such purchases require
prior approval of the Pre-K consultant. Providers should refer to the current school year
Pre-K Providers' Operating Guidelines
for critical reporting dates for technology and/or playground expenditure requests. Georgia’s Pre-K Program does not endorse any supplier.
All items listed do not have to be purchased at the same time or from the same supplier. Many items can be supplied through other sources including donations.
Some items may last one to two weeks, while others may last throughout the year.
Information on the Basic Materials List can be obtained below in the document list.
Documents List