Becoming a Georgia’s Pre-K Program Provider
Thank you for the interest in Georgia’s Pre-K Program. The goal of the program is to foster each child’s social, emotional, physical, and cognitive development
through a rich learning environment, developmentally appropriate practices and effective interactions with teachers. The nationally recognized full day educational program
is funded through the Georgia Lottery for Education and administered by the Department of Early Care and Learning. The program is voluntary for families and for providers.
Who is eligible to apply to be a Georgia’s Pre-K Program provider?
- Childcare learning centers with licensed classroom space for a minimum of 20 children.
- Playground space to accommodate a class of 20 children simultaneously for outdoor activities.
- Local school systems
- Charter schools
- Other public institutions (e.g. universities, military bases)
The Department enters into grant agreements with both public and private providers for the delivery of Pre-K services. Grant agreements are awarded to providers subject to
funding availability, program compliance and identified need for additional Pre-K classes in the geographic area of the program. Compliance with other programs offered through DECAL
(Child Care Services, Child and Parent Services (CAPS), Nutrition Services, and Audits and Compliance) will be reviewed to determine eligibility for funding.
How do I apply?
The Georgia’s Pre-K Application can be accessed ONLY through DECAL KOALA (Kids Online Administrative Licensing Application). DECAL KOALA is an online resource that is available to
all licensed child care programs, approved exempt program and registered support systems. Programs that are eligible to apply for Georgia’s Pre-K Program will see information
about applying for Georgia’s Pre-K when they log in to their DECAL KOALA account.
Local School Systems, Charter Schools and Other Public Institutions that do not have access to KOALA may email to request the Georgia’s Pre-K application.
Pre-K Providers’ Operating Guidelines:
To ensure program compliance and quality service, all Pre-K providers must be familiar with and implement the Pre-K Providers' Operating Guidelines. This document is intended to
provide clarity, and to offer guidance to current and new Pre-K providers.